
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Two Catholic Men and a Blog

Is a site any discerning Catholic should visit.  I've gone there before and returned humbled, but more informed.  The good news is that contributor Ben is planning to write a book about faith and reason, which is the blog's focus.  I hope it gets published.  If it is half as insightful and helpful that the blog is, it will be more than worth the purchase.


  1. Thanks for the plug!
    Much on the blog will be in the book, but in logical steps of reason from Atheism to Catholicism using aspects of analytical of problem solving that I know. Draft should be done by February, and then I’ll submit to publishers and wait… and pray.

  2. No problem. I didn't recognize the 'Ben'. I've visited your site enough I figured it was the least I could do.


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