
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Farewell Meadowlark

Meadowlark Lemon, the front man of the Globetrotters during my childhood run, has died. One of those childhood memories I had, like so many my age, was of the Harlem Globetrotters.  The Clown Princes of Basketball.  Of course we knew it was staged, but it was a wonderful time.  The lineup of Meadowlark's era was the stuff of a Hollywood casting director.  And the leader of the troupe was the great and awesomely named Meadowlark Lemon.  They even had a cartoon series!  But then again, so did the Osmond brothers and the Jackson Five.  Anyway, another small piece of the puzzle that makes up the picture of our lives has passed,  Thanks for the memories, the magic, and the mysterious ability to do things with a basketball that no mortal should eve be able to do.

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