
Friday, November 14, 2014

Jonathan Gruber spills the beans

I would be more skeptical of a FOX News take, if I hadn't heard it on CNN.  Yeah, it's that bad.  And when Jay Carney was asked on CNN if the deceit and lies that Gruber lauds were deliberate, it's noteworthy that he didn't deny they were on purpose. Of course expect no outrage.  If we are a nation of scaredy-cats on one side, that is balanced by the fact that on the other side is a segment of the population that confuses laziness and apathy with virtue.  We have our apps.  We have Netflix.  It probably won't impact me anyway.  America sucks.  Evil happens.  Move on.  Nothing to see here.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I've been watching that Gruber stuff on Just look for the contributor "Richierich". John C Wright also did a post on it.

    The problem today seems to be... well I'll just quote Mr Wright:


    As if Eve, hearing the lies of Satan, believes God unjustly wishes to keep the promised benefits of the forbidden fruit to make her into a goddess, but, when she eats, finds herself eating only death, and therefore she concludes that both God and Satan are liars. This conclusion makes the devil smile, for he has won. It does not matter to him whether she knows him to be the father of lies; small price to pay just so long as Eve considers God a liar also, and no longer trusts him."


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