
Saturday, August 2, 2014

My first Saturday off

That didn't involve an event.  For over a year and a half, I worked weekends, and Saturdays on a regular basis.  I chose Saturdays because the other days were, whenever I worked, until 7:00 PM.  With the distance from home, that put me home late, effectively missing time with family, no dinner time, and not much chance to be there for anything.

Well all that changed today!  My first Saturday off in a year and a half because I no longer work weekends, and I'm done at 5:00.  That brings me home in time to get back to exercise, and still have plenty of time to help with school, fix things around the house, and even have some sit down dinners.  And it was all for a day with no particular obligations.  True, my Freshman started two-a-days for football yesterday, and because of an early school start, had to do it today as well.  My wife had to take our boy to where he will be taking his driver's test.  I had bills to pay and errands to run and school to prepare for.  But it was on our own time!

Still, a full rich day. We had fun, played and worked, and just durped, as my boys' generation likes to say. Much of it was to prepare to go to the Dublin Irish Festival tomorrow, weather permitting.  All of this culminating in our boys crashing on the floor with me next to them, trying to get them going on the next round of fun, but giving in and conceding defeat.  A day seized I would say.

My wife's boys on a floor. Consider that diem carped.  

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