
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Rope

Dwight Longenecker comments on Hitchcock's The Rope.  I had never heard of it.  It was one a month or so ago and we caught the beginning of it.  My oldest then ordered it so we could watch the whole thing. My boys are Hitchcock fans all the way.  My oldest, who is kicking around the idea of journalism, likes to think his writing style is Hitchcock inspired.  The Rope was an interesting one set film about two men who decide to murder, more or less for the heck of it.  Rules don't apply.  It isn't hard to catch the parallels to Crime and Punishment.  Here is Fr. Longenecker unpacking it better than me.  Watch the film first, then read Fr. Longenecker's insightful take.  But only in that order.

FWIW, film buffs will recognize John Dall as Brandon Shaw.  Dall also is well known as the hapless Marcus Glabrus in Kubrick's Spartacus.

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