
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Post modern witch hunts

Yes, I'm afraid it's all the rage.  McCarthy is the patron saint and witch hunts all the rage as our decaying culture continues its apathetic and lazy denial of the inevitable.  I don't think persecution and decline are connected, since such things have happened in the dawn of, or at the peak of, various cultures and civilizations.  But in ours, it marks one of the characteristics of the country we're passing on to our posterity.  Thomas McDonald quotes Kareem Abdul-Jabber who tried to step in and inject a little sanity into our growing self-righteous rage based insanity.  He, and others who made the point, were ignored.

Remember that growing up, the Inquisition, witch hunts and McCarthy were roundly condemned by our educational, cultural and media institutions.  And it was those institutions that kept the knowledge alive as warnings and lessons so that such horrors would never be repeated. Today, however, it's precisely those institutions that are behind the phenomenon.  So who will ring the warning bell?

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