
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How not to discuss gun control on the Catholic blogosphere

Is demonstrated here.  Because you never know, when dealing in typical rhetoric involving gun loving nuts who don't care about murdered children especially if the children have dark skin, you might just run into a real life, real world example of why care and caution are needed, as in here.

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the linkage, Dave.

    The worst part? This:

    How much of that fits Shea & his comment cronies? "Oh we can build a smart gun!" How? "Well it has to happen, it's good!" (or you can replace "smart gun" with any other half baked idea, especially economic ones) No need to listen to experts, no need to heed those who have some knowledge of it, no it has to work because it's "good".

    Daily, Shea, even as he brags about all the things the Church has built, reduces the Catholic church to a cargo cult. One that can brag about everything it USED to be able to build, but can no more.


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