
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Gay rights is about ending the First Amendment

Just thought I'd post a reminder of the bleeding obvious.  Of course some argue 'it's not the government, it's not censorship.'  Even though when I was in college I was told that it didn't have to be government to be censorship.  In fact, those old time liberal professors I had made a compelling case.  If you get society to accept crushing the rights of speech outside of the political sphere, then it's only a small step to make it official.  Once the government is doing it, you've already won the hearts and minds of the people to make it possible. So we have gay marriage, not about marriage equality at all (which is as much a B.S. phrase as I've ever heard), but really about training Americans to accept the idea that traditional religious (read: Christian) values should no longer have a place in our culture.  Given the polls, it looks like a growing number of Americans are warming up to the call.

UPDATE:  Just like that little gallimimus in Jurassic Park that frantically and hopelessly snarls back at the T-Rex about to devour it, some are trying to find ways to keep Gay Rights from becoming the tool with which the Progressive Left can finally and legally crush the Rights to not be Liberal.  As the article says, most initiatives have withered under the screams of a media-orchestrated outcry.  Who was it that said witch hunts and McCarthy and the Inquisition and Fascists were always warned against by our educational, media and cultural institutions, but not it's those very institutions behind the modern witch hunts?  Oh, that's be me.  But I'm afraid, too little, too late.

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