
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why being a Buckeye is so awesome

There are a million reasons that make being an OSU fan great, and the OSU Marching Band is all but fourteen of them.  Woody Hayes once called them 'the Best Damn Band in the Land.'  When we were at the Iowa game, they became an internet sensation by reproducing Michael Jackson's legendary moonwalk.  The following week, they swept the Internet again and made news with this jaw-dropping performance.  Remember, these are college kids playing while doing this.  The sound isn't the best, but watch and be amazed:

1 comment:

  1. As a nerd that spent highschool in marching band...

    AND a big Superman fan (plus that score is awesome)...

    AND LotR...

    Harry Potter's cool.

    Thanks for this. That was AWESOME!


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