
Friday, October 11, 2013

I am still here

Really.  This week has been more than busy.  The company I work for has enforced mandatory overtime.  That save money of course.  Screws the employees up, but I guess they figure we get more money and that's the important thing.  So time is very, very tight.  I've received a couple articles I'm dying to post on, I was sent a couple interesting links to some sites that deal with the growing extinction of the male of the human species, and of course I want to get around to my reflections on our Williamsburg trip.  Until then, enjoy this little bit of coolness, and the song that ushers in our annual holiday seasons*:

*It's part of Halloween Haunts, and old VHS compilation.  You can find it on Amazon, but not with this at the beginning.  If anyone knows how to get a copy with this, I'm all ears!

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