
Monday, February 11, 2013

I'm smarter than an atheist!

So The Christian Science Monitor had a quiz on that was given to people of various religious traditions.  As usual, Catholics came in last.  That's starting to get on my nerves.  Atheists were, not surprisingly  at the top since most atheists spend most of their time pouring over the various beliefs they reject.  A person who is single looks at more members of the opposite sex than married individuals - at least I hope.  A person who has settled into what they have concluded to be true may well be content to remain there.

Still, at an average of 20.9 answers correct, I beat them with all but one correct.  It came down to which religion was dominant in Pakistan  Islam or Hinduism.  Because the previous question had been Indonesia, I second guessed myself and picked Islam.  Otherwise, got'em all!  And you know what?  I probably understand and appreciate the other religions I answered correctly about as most atheists understand and appreciate my religion. Not that I put much stock in such things anyway.  It's just worth looking at how our information vendors determine who's smart and who's not.

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