
Thursday, February 14, 2013

I know where my Year of Faith pilgrimage will be!

God willing, we'll be able to pack up the family truckster and head south to the lush and beautiful rolling hills of southern Indiana.  There, in a quiet little sequestered vale, sits this:

Now,  Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, has named St. Meinrad a pilgrimage site for the Year of Faith!  Woohoo!  In many ways, St. Meinrad is my Farne, and the place that started it all.  Not that I hadn't appreciated the rich history and heritage of Catholicism from the beginning of my Christian walk, but St. Meinrad is where my body and soul and mind started kicking into high gear that journey back to the historical Faith.  We'll see, but it would be wonderfully fitting to get there this year.

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