
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You will not, I repeat not, hear about this in the mainstream media

Apparently two men who adopted children have been charged with sexually assaulting them.  The story doesn't come out and explicitly say they are gay, but since the the two men are said to be married, we'll assume.

Now, why won't we hear CNN or CBS or NBC or the AP running with days and days and days of coverage over something like this?  They've been known to do it before.  Because there is no such thing as a media.  There's only propaganda   Not to say there are no real journalists out there.  Bless their hearts, there are some left.  But on the whole, most media outlets are simply advocacy groups for various agendas.

And ramrodding non-heterosexual normality down the West's throat is one of most media outlets' prime agenda.  Thus, like most progressive ideals, we are presented with the narrative that in these liberal ventures, there is no guile   All will be right with the world.  All is perfect.  All is wonderful.  Just like Glee and other shows, the job is to advocate and promote, in a way not unlike the old Ozzie and Harriet was accused of doing for the traditional American family - though I'm not sure it was as flagrant as most media and entertainment venues today.

Therefore, when something like this pops up, don't expect any coverage at all.  I merely stumbled across it on a comments thread on a blog about a subject not at all to do with this story.  Get used to it, all who fail to conform to non-progressive, non-secular values and ideals.


  1. The mainstream media doesn't publicize every time a biological father or stepfather sexually abuses his kids either. Sexual abuse happens much more in those situations than it does in a homosexual situation.

    This isn't helping the case for traditional marriage. It would be better to use what's in CCC. The only thing mentioned about sexual abuse is about when it's done by heterosexual parents.

    Let's stick to the church teachings on homosexuality and marriage.

  2. I'm not sure what you meant by the second paragraph, as that seems to validate my point. But I'm getting at the fact that, in light of four days of gushing over Jodie Foster's non coming out ceremony, the fact that something like this will remain forever silenced, must give you the impression that we're dealing less with a media and more with a propaganda ministry.

    That's not meant to help or hurt the Church's teachings on marriage. That's meant to call a spade a spade.

  3. The problem, Anon, is the same thing that's angered me so much about Mark Shea recently: blatant hypocrisy and double standards.

    So, if a group the press likes or approves of does something... well that's just an individual mishap. Doesn't reflect on the group as a whole, the innocent shouldn't suffer because of the guilty, etc excuse etc. However, if a group the press doesn't like, disapproves of does something... well that's reflective of the whole group and who cares if the innocent suffer, that's a small price to pay to save just one life (or whatever excuse they're using). Catholic priests, tea partiers, gun owners, the list goes on and on.


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