
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Press continues to worship at the feet of Jodie Foster

And again, for the second straight day, the press continues to gush over Jodie Foster's brave and bold confession of her lesbianism.  Really.  A woman who made it official years ago that she was a lesbian  and did so on prime time television  comes out and says what everyone already knew, that she's a lesbian.  Not that it was a shock then, but it sure isn't a shock now.  And then - and this is the hilarious part - the press acts as if this is some bold, courageous thing because she made this confession in ... Saudi Arabia?  Afghanistan?  A fundamentalist tent meeting?  No!  She made this bold declaration of what we already knew in a Hollywood awards assembly.  Hollywood.  Ground zero for the entire gay rights movement.  The primary backing and promoter regarding all things homosexual and post-Christian sexual ethics.

Here's the thing.  I could almost begin to have a shred of regard for the progressive juggernaut if it would just stop with the bull.  Just admit that its basic teaching - that all religion is an evil lie made up by evolved animals to make sense of the world, and therefore life is whatever we define it, especially when it leads to sex, legal drugs, and bathroom humor, while being assured of the right to abort (and eventually euthanize) anyone getting in our way - is the up and coming philosophy of the century.  Furthermore, admit that the Western educational system, the media, and the entertainment culture have indulged in an ideological ménage à trois, more than willing to support each others' backs and fronts, while ruthlessly advancing their desire to demand conformity to their indisputable dogmas.  Just admit it. It's time to be real.

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