Sunday, January 20, 2013
Thank goodness it wasn't Palin
Because instead we have this genius one heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Don't get me wrong. I like old Joe Biden. In a drunk uncle sort of way, he seems to have a heart somewhere. But his gaffes, his lunacy, his idiocy make Sarah Palin seem like an Oxford Scholar by comparison. Yet, how much time and energy did the media invest convincing us that Palin was so air-headed (as is Michele Bachmann), that there is no way she should ever be within a thousand miles of Washington? While, at the same time, the MSM just chuckles and says 'ah, Joe, you silly boy.' That his almost unbelievably infantile and bratty performance in the VP debate was hailed a victory just shows the depths to which our pre-pubescent society has sunk. Partially due, in the end, to the MSM's clear and obvious agendas working on the minds of America.
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