
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thank goodness the Broncos didn't have Tebow

Or they might have won their playoff game!  I know, cheap shot.  I'm a big Manning fan, and I hate to see it end like this, especially with Baltimore capitalizing off a Manning interception.  But here's the thing.  I also hate watching what the pop culture, and the hedonistic NFL, has done to Tim Tebow.  Is there a legitimate debate about Tebow's qualities as a professional quarterback?  Sure.  Anything is open to debate.  But a guy whose training was broken up by a strike, who was shoved in at the last minute to take over a foundering program, and who led the team against all odds, and against all naysayers  to a playoff slot, and spectacularly silenced all doubters by winning against Big Ben and the Steelers - and his reward?  Tossed out the window, thrown to the Jets, who almost took pride in shoving Tebow out toward the trashcans, and now watching as various teams play hot-potato with this young man who dares flaunt his religious faith and pro-life values in an increasingly hedonistic and debauch-laden society.

So sorry, I hate it for Manning, and I'm not really a big Baltimore fan (being a Cleveland Browns native and all - you know what I mean).  For me, hats off to both teams and everyone involved for braving the frigid arctic temperatures. But it is nice, a little guilty pleasure, to see if folks will give a second look at Tebow and wonder 'what if?'.


  1. I am both a Tebow fan and a Manning fan, and I do have mixed feelings myself. The Jets have been terrible to Tebow, so this loss by the Broncos kind of takes things in a full circle, and as for Manning, he is the man who got caught up in the middle of all of this craziness

  2. I don't begrudge Manning anything he's accomplished at Denver. But this is a nice shot at those who hate Tebow for reasons that have nothing to do with the gridiron.


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