
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Recognized in a blog

I'm touched.  Some blogs that I comment on pretty much pass me by, seldom speaking to me or acknowledging my presence.  Others I wish they would.  And some I do pretty well with, getting good feedback and dialogue.  So there was one with a story about the Boy Scouts capitulating against the gay rights juggernaut (which I updated my post with accordingly).  I noticed that all of the quotes were from scouts and scout masters who were supportive of ending the ban.  I mentioned that it was not only silly to think this was even a real story, but typical of the media and its tendency to propagate narratives rather than report   I said it with a little more flair (I tend to be a bit more sarcastic in some venues). And a great debate opened up, with almost three hundred hits on my comment alone (the combox was already filled), and over 40 direct responses (why can't I get those here!!!).  This was the one that caught my attention:
[Dave G] is the one smart frog that is paying attention to the water temperature getting uncomfortably warm.
Nice.  I'm probably not the only one, but it's nice to be counted among those who see plainly the sun going down and the world spinning around. 

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