
Monday, January 28, 2013

Prayers for jobs

I was just informed that a job I had applied for, and had interviewed for, is most likely not going to come my way.  The resume was praised, the initial interview flawless.  When I met with three department heads, I was told after the interview that if it was up to the individual filling the position, I would be hired the next day.  So what went wrong?

Ah, now we come to it.  There is still some slight chance it could come my way, but very little.  Basically, I've been kicked to the back of the line, and everyone ahead of me now would have to turn down the offer.  And that would assume I was hired then, rather than the search simply starting over.  How did it go from 'powerful resume, spot-on qualified, we'd hire you tomorrow' to 'sorry, you're at the back of the line'?  That's what we're trying to find out.  Something in the search for references and background checks appears to be the mischief.  There were five individuals I named as references, all but one of them Catholics I've known or worked for since my conversion.  My credit score is fine.  My work experience  by virtue of my background and the crazy recession, is a bit chopped up I'll admit.

So right now it's either the background check through my work history, or it's a reference   I ask prayers that this still, against all hope, goes through as we are still paddling upstream and taking on water fast.  Likewise, I ask prayers that if it is my convoluted work history,  someone will step in who will understand the uniqueness of my last several years and overlook it (like, say, the diocese!).  And if it's a fellow Catholic who I trusted and placed my family's well being in the hands of, well, all I can say is pray for me, that I keep my cool. For I've been using the same group of references for a few years now.


  1. I also had something like that happen at an interview though I never found out why. I was more annoyed that after all but assuring me that the job was mine, they never called me again. I don't mind being turned down just... tell me.

    I wish you luck mah brotha from another... congregation. (hmm... doesn't have the same ring does it?)

  2. I emailed them today. I can be a pest when I want to be. The department head who wanted me to be hired called me right back and told me the news. She also said she'll do what she can to help me 'understand' what may have happened. Hopefully it will just be my crappy jobs history. That would stink, because there's not much I can do about that. But it would be better than the alternative reason.

  3. I emailed them today. I can be a pest when I want to be. The department head who wanted me to be hired called me right back and told me the news. She also said she'll do what she can to help me 'understand' what may have happened. Hopefully it will just be my crappy jobs history. That would stink, because there's not much I can do about that. But it would be better than the alternative reason.


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