
Monday, January 14, 2013

Meanwhile in the gay promoting segment of the Golden Globes

Jodie Foster takes the occasion of her much deserved award to celebrate her lesbian partner.  Really?  I mean, come on.  I'm glad she was recognized, as I do think she's a talented actress, even if some of her later movies haven't been quite up to her earlier work.  Still, she's good and deserves the award. But why is the press gushing over her, like this was some wonderful, courageous thing?  She already defined herself accordingly some years ago.  That's like someone reminding us the Berlin Wall was torn down.

What makes me laugh is how the press and Hollywood act as if it's some bold, courageous thing when celebrities come out and openly advocate what 99% of Hollywood and the media passionately support.  Talking about all the courage that goes behind giving at testimony at a tent revival.  I don't think there are many institutions today that lumber on with the same stunning lack of self-awareness, or ironic demands for conformity, that our entertainment industry is able to muster.

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