
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ban all guns now!

For those good-hearted, yet hopelessly naive and hyper-emotional types who keeps saying things like 'nobody wants to ban all guns', I give you the good Mr. Lessenberry of the Detroit Metrotimes.  I know, that's one editorial.  One editorial it took 3 seconds to find with a Google search.  Fact is, there is an entire swath of our nation that would gleefully ban all guns and ditch the Second Amendment tomorrow if they thought there was any hope of doing so.  One group has simply been taught that guns are an intrinsic evil.  Like Southern Baptists with alcohol, they hold guns as far from their hearts as possible, and drop them in the nearest convenient dispenser.  They are Hawkeye Pierce, proudly declaring he'd rather let himself and his friend Colonel Potter be captured or killed by the enemy than even touch a gun.

The other group is more sinister.  These are part of the Barry Lynn progressives.  These are the folks who insist all Truth must be mandated.  Not values or religion of course. What they proclaim isn't beliefs or religion.  It's Truth, and it must be mandated.  And a growing number of those in this tradition (perhaps not Mr. Lynn) are concluding that it's time we shake up that old Constitution once and for all.  Eliminating the Second Amendment would be a huge symbolic victory, and in the minds of some on both sides of the debate, the first chink in the Constitutional Armor.

Lesson?  Argue for solutions to America's gun violence all you want, but please don't live in a silly land of make-believe, where evil NRA agents and stupid gun-clingers are the mischief, and everyone else is just hunky-dory swell with the purest of intentions to let everyone live and let live.


  1. But the 2nd amendment isn't sacred scripture, remember? (of course, neither are the other amendments...)

    As they say, "the standard by which you judge others, you will be judged by".

    Or as I like to say: "the whip you use on others will be used to hang you".

    Like Jonah pointed out. The constitution isn't there for things we do like, it's there to restrain us for the things we don't like.

  2. As I say, and I've been quoted by many, he who lives by the scissors will die by the scissors.


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