
Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby it's cold outside

No, we're not having a heat wave.  We'll be doing good to get through the night without shutting the furnace off, just because we can't get it cold enough to do it automatically.  Ours, being a Maronda home, is as insulated as a piece of Swiss cheese.  Our boys are upstairs tonight, as there's no reason trying to imagine a situation where the basement won't end up colder than a skating rink.  So it's bundle up time, hoping everything stays on and warm, and weathering it until this bit of global warming finally passes by.  Below, a picture of the Crystal Caverns from the old Odyssey 2 home video game The Quest for the Rings.  The picture always evoked something in me, and right now, it evokes the freezing cold that's outside my bedroom window.

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