Is what happened last night. Whew. That was a mauling. And like announcers are saying, the score doesn't really show the real story, because Alabama should have had fifty more points and the Fighting Irish shouldn't have had any. It was that lopsided. At no point did Notre Dame look like it had a chance. A weak schedule and multiple near misses was just not a record justifying going against the Tide. And it showed. By the second quarter, every critic of the BCS system was vindicated. The rest of the game was just a technicality True, the Tide's series of shutouts came to an end, but that alone was the only thing that the Irish can cling to as the world makes with the Catholic jokes. Congrats Alabama and Nick Saban, truly you and the SEC are forces to be reckoned with.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
A Notre Dame Nightmare
Is what happened last night. Whew. That was a mauling. And like announcers are saying, the score doesn't really show the real story, because Alabama should have had fifty more points and the Fighting Irish shouldn't have had any. It was that lopsided. At no point did Notre Dame look like it had a chance. A weak schedule and multiple near misses was just not a record justifying going against the Tide. And it showed. By the second quarter, every critic of the BCS system was vindicated. The rest of the game was just a technicality True, the Tide's series of shutouts came to an end, but that alone was the only thing that the Irish can cling to as the world makes with the Catholic jokes. Congrats Alabama and Nick Saban, truly you and the SEC are forces to be reckoned with.
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