
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Christmas Season comes to a close

Well, in most houses Mom and Dad may be anxious for school to start again, but I have to say, we love our time spent with our boys.  As they get older, and that inevitable moment comes when the hatchlings must sprout wings and fly from the nest comes closer, we take the moments we have and cherish them.  I wish like nothing else that the last years would have been more stable, and that some of the plans we had once hoped for and thought about had come true.  But it was not to be.  We've filled the lost opportunities with what enjoyment and care we could, and the boys have shown tremendous patience.  To that end, we always feel a bit melancholy when it is time to wrap up another Christmas break.  Despite the fear and stress of not knowing how we'll make it, we tried to look at the bright side - we were able to spend the longest Christmas Break our boys have ever had together as a family.

Bad weather and sickness and limited funds cut into what we might have done, but doggone it, we plowed through, and ended up with some good memories despite it all.  Can't say that being stuck for days in the house while old man winter ravaged the neighborhood didn't lead to a few tense moments.  Seven people in a house built for three to four?  It will happen.  But it didn't happen much, and the good far outweighed the few bumps in the road.  We owe much of that to our awesome sons.  I sometimes don't think I'm really aware of just how blessed I am to have four boys as wonderful, good-natured, fun, and full of potential as they are.  If I have nothing else for the rest of my life, they would make everything I've ever endured more than worthwhile.  And the enjoyment we've had, the feasting and games courtesy of some generous family members and friends in the Faith, all came together and made this a great Christmas to remember.

Tomorrow we'll have a long planned Twelfth Night feast, Hobbit Style.  We'll play some games, watch a video or two, and maybe even go sledding.  We've already played games, built snowmen, and watched movies that came by way of St. Nick.  The music below, while being typical Debussy, also gives a hint about a movie collection we've watched.  And it's not from the old Star Hustler series on PBS.  So I must thank God now for what he's given.  People in the world with far less would envy our plenty, and sometimes I think people in the world with far more might envy our lack.  And for that, I have to say, not bad.

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