
Monday, December 31, 2012

Thank goodness our Congress has its priorities straight

While the bulk of America is awaiting the possibility that our financial lives could go down the tubes, the House of Representatives thankfully took the rest of the day off to spend New Year's with their families.  I'm sure they'll take care of those lesser items of concern down the road.  Right now, they've done the important thing.  This was especially beneficial since they've recently been assured they'll get those all-important pay raises.  I try - and I mean I try - to not be fatally cynical about the state of our government.  But doggone it, they do make it difficult.


  1. Actually... the way things are, I think the best thing for this country may be for Congress to take off. In fact, have them take off the entire year. Call me cynical, but at this point, I think it's the best solution we have since that myan thing didn't work out.

  2. I'm of two minds. On one hand, my faith in the efficiency of the government is only slightly less than my faith in a Cleveland Browns Super Bowl team. On the other hand, my wife's unemployment is the last string keeping us alive, and if that goes, we start the last descent, sort of like that last moment when the Titanic finally begins to plunge into the Atlantic. So it's tough to be objective at this point.


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