
Monday, December 17, 2012

Prayers still with Newtown

Here is an emerging list of the victims along with pictures.  I can't read through it right now.  The pain is too strong.  I'm also resisting the urge to make it all about this or that issue I already support or believe   Nor am I going to rush out and say how rotten all those other people are for reacting this way or that.  Maybe if we just paused and reflected on the pain, the horror that those poor children experienced before they left this world to be before the face of God - for what hope is there if they are not in God's presence now? - and imagine, if we can, the unfathomable anguish and deathly pain that the families of those lost experienced, then  that might keep our yaps shut.

I might also add a prayer for those who lose loved ones on any given day, some to similarly horrific events, but we'll never know.  Their pain will be no less, and they won't have the world to share it with them.  So to them, to those who have suffered the  most unimaginable loss, to those grieving in Newtown, to the victims and the precious souls of those babies, may the grace and peace of God cover their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, and welcome into the perpetual light those who leave the world a sadder place for their absence.   In Christ's name, Amen.


  1. Thanks for this beautiful expression of what is in many hearts.


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