
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Speaking of Wizard of Oz

Who is speaking of Wizard of Oz?  Well, nobody that I can tell.  But it's on TV tonight.  The kids plopped down after coming back from Life Teen, and lo and behold, I found them watching Dorothy's escapades in overcoming the Wicked Witch of the West.  It just never grows old.  When I was growing up, before cable or VCRs, it was shown once a year and it was a major event.  It ranked right up there with going to Cedar Point or even Christmas (or at least my birthday).  We sometimes had treats.  One year my parents bought a candy making kit.  Sometimes I remember my Dad making fudge.  It was something lost today, a special event for its own sake, not something that only matters because Madison Avenue has something to gain (even if sponsors then raked in the money).  Anyhoo, one of the best reviews I've ever read is also by Steven Graydanus, so I suggest you click on the link and begin reading.

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