
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Leaving it to the boys

To have fun in the leaves. Yes, even our oldest, a junior in high school, lets his hair down and jumps about in the leaves with his younger brothers.  No doubt that is the high point of the day for our youngest, who looks up to his older brothers with more admiration than that reserved for the rest of the human race combined.  It's been a long tradition to let there be a giant pile of leaves just ripe for the jumping.  Just make sure they don't hold any wet suckers.  With all the craziness in the world, and everything on our plate (more prayers, please), I find jumping in a pile of leaves with the boys to be just the right medicine, especially when on a Sunday filled with events for them and Mass for all.  More blogging will probably come around soon, but for now, allow me to enjoy the fun they bring.  Oh, and yes, my wife and I took our turns with a jump in the leaf pile.

The boys, the fun, nuff said. 
They do a wonderful job bringing our youngest into the frenzy
With that many leaves, what else is needed? 
Our oldest gets into the act
Our 8th grader, we told him he looked like Freddy Krueger attacking the leaves
Our youngest with his favoritest playmate
I have no idea
Whatever the last picture was, it spilled over into this
The boys charge the leaves!
And wallow in their well earned victory!

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