
Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Record Breaking Month!

Woohoo!  So we've broken records in the visits and articles read, and not just by a visit or two.  Have seen some more comments as well, though some folks still seem to prefer to email me (haven't figured that out yet - except most of the emails are personal emails written to me, either for encouragement or suggesting I might be missing something in a post).  That's what the comment button is for - though I always appreciate the emails.  You can be anonymous if you don't want anyone to know you've been here. Just type in some moniker so I can keep track.  That's what some folks did back in the day.

Still, a great month, with more links and more reads.  I appreciate those who have visited  who have commented, and have generally taken part in my little blog.  It isn't much, and I know I'm not a professional word-smith.  Still, I get better when I hear others point things out, so feel free.  Let folks know about me, send out flyers, invite friends, gather the family around.  It's mostly just things that catch my fancy, and often -given the current upheaval of our lives - the focus is on my own family and personal thoughts on things that have nothing to do with much.

But every now and then, I have my moments   So welcome back, welcome for the first time, and maybe some day I'll work to  bring some of those different stat buttons or follower buttons that went away when the blog went kerflooey last year.  Till then, thanks again.

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