
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rest in Peace Andy Williams

One of my all time favorite Christmas Albums was by Williams
The great pop singer Andy Williams has died.  One of those rare folks who seemed to have led a good life despite the celebrity.  He was of the Rat Pack era but without the drinking, smoking, cussing and broads.  He was a family man.  During his Christmas Specials, my parents - not Catholic - waited for him to do his rendition of Ave Maria.  Personally, I always liked his take on The First Noel and O Holy Night.  I also enjoyed other songs of his, and was always partial to his version of Speak Softly (theme to The Godfather).  He will be missed.

In some ways, he already was.  His brand of entertainment, where we could enjoy a family special without the sex, drugs and bathroom humor, went the way of the butter churn ages ago.  Yet when you watch those specials, and realize that yes, it was just Hollywood after all, you still realize that there was something about 'the family special' that made producers aim toward that audience.  Somewhere in America, family was still that important.  Today, watch the specials.  You'll see what's important now.  Goodbye Mr. Williams, you and your era, for all its flaws, will be missed for all its best qualities.  Qualities that you seemed to possess in plenty.

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