
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not all is gloom and despair

Despite the possible appearance of pessimism of my last post, it's worth noting that, as always, life goes on.  Here is the proof: The many fun and enjoyable times we've had despite the clouds and storms that life can bring.  First off, we see here our boys enjoying a turn at some fireworks making on July 4th.  Yeah, it's been that long since I've had a chance to sit down and go through pictures.  It was fun, and my family was over for the annual cookout, sparse though it may have been.  With fun kids and proper (if not scalding) weather, any July 4th is a fun July 4th.

Everyone is watching just what is to become of that little spark...

I don't know what caught their attention, but I'll bet it wasn't a fire work

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