
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Well done Mayer Coleman

It looks like our very own mayor Michael Coleman of Columbus has resisted the anti-religious juggernaut.  The euphemistically named Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter bellyaching that this is a breach of the Separation of Church and State.  In the article, the group is described as 'a nonprofit group that seeks to promote constitutional separation of church and state and to offer education on non-theism.'

Of course that is hogwash.  It is a radical group that seeks to eradicate religion from society, utilizing the SCOTUS's unfortunate 1948 spin on the First Amendment by finding cracks in the judicial system that will allow it to effectively remove the right to the free exercise of religion from our nation. 

Mayor' Coleman's response is but a mere setback.  The foundation has gained steam, and is the darling of many atheist groups as well as a host of anti-religious organizations and advocates.  It lacks the arsenal of wealth that the ACLU possesses, but seems to have found a friend in that organization more than once.   With such alliances, and a growing pot of gold, it can launch minor skirmishes all over the country, overlooking the occasional failure while seeing each success as one more step toward a religion-less society in the best tradition of the Soviet bloc. 

Nonetheless, though it's but a setback, it's still a setback.  Mayor Coleman is a Democrat, and hardly a right winger.  His willingness to see tactics of oppression and extermination of rights for what they are therefore brings extra hope.  As I've said before, the radical Left's greatest ally is the refusal of so many liberals - liberals in the classic sense - to call out those extremist elements who could care less about the more noble aspirations of those who once made liberal a worthy label.  More like him please. 

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