
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Does anyone take MSNBC seriously anymore?

MSNBC, much like a WWII propaganda film, but without the subtlety, devotes all of its energies toward advancing a post-Western secular progressive agenda.  Rewriting history is fine.  Altering facts?  No problem.  Displaying open contempt and loathing for those who don't conform to the Left's dogmatic definitions of diversity?  It's the MO.  But even so, even though MSNBC only rates slightly higher than Bill Maher on the respectability scale, there are times when it surprises. 

So here, we have Thomas McDonald unpacking the sad display.  Long and short?  MSNBC used almost shamelessly obvious levels of editing to attempt a Supermarket Scanner moment for Mitt Romney.  The problem?  Well first and most important, it's a lie.  The story that Romney was gobsmacked by all this fancy schmancy technology was not true.  It was made to look that way through massive editing. 

But the real joke, of course, is that it is so elitist.  So arrogant.  So self-contained, and demonstrative of the mentally incestuous cabal that MSNBC caters to.  WaWa?  What the hell is a WaWa?  In my part of the country, I've not seen such a thing.  I've vaguely heard of the reports, but haven't paid attention, since our current economic conditions don't allow me many opportunities to peruse the various merchant establishments where such technology might reside in similar fashion.  Of course that's an ugly truth that MSNBC would rather saw of an arm than admit to - that our economy is not on the verge of unprecedented prosperity and comfort.

Fact is, I looked up some inflation stats and figured my income that I'm currently making backwards, and it's frightening just how little folks are being paid today.  If this were 1985?  Let me say it this way - I could do only slightly worse by flipping pizzas at our local pizzeria.  And this is a job that required a college education and years of experience.  That's the elephant in the room  of course.  Everyone is saying jobs, jobs, jobs.  What nobody wants to admit is that the jobs that are out there, for anyone less than doctor/lawyer/government employee level, pay so little compared to 30 years ago, that it scarcely does any good to have them. 

But that's for another rant.  That's the sort of stuff that MSNBC, CNN, and the other MSM outlets are trying desperately to ignore, hoping for a story like this, even if they must invent it.  The fact that the Internet exists to allow us to see with ease how obviously wrong the facts are, suggests we've come into a phase where the MSM knows most folks don't care if it's true anymore.  They just want to win.  Even if we go bankrupt on our way to the victor's circle.

1 comment:

  1. Like Fuax News isn't a joke. Take a look at that if you want propaganda.


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