
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Because gay rights is all about equal rights

The typical convoluted idiocy that supports so much of the gay rights agenda has managed to get New Mexico - a state that doesn't allow gay marriages - to make it illegal for Christians to refuse photographing weddings.  Of course there are not doubt thousands of liberal photographers that would gleefully photograph any number of post-traditional weddings.  That's the not the point.  Repeat after me: Gay Rights is not about rights.  It's the primary hammer with which the Leftist Revolution seeks to bludgeon and annihilate the right to not-be-Leftist.  That's all it is.  If you think anything else, you're either part of the plan, or an idiot, albeit possibly a well meaning one.


  1. I will repeat as many times as I can. You would have averted all of this if you had just legalized SSM right off the bat.

  2. That's a weak charge. That's like saying 'you will have averted this is you just compromised your values' about anything. We often want the Faith to change to conform to the latest, hippest. Then, years later, if the latest, hippest turns out to be bad, who gets the blame?


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