
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Andrew Riggio invokes his inner Soviet

Andrew Riggio, who sees sick children as worthwhile ammunition for advancing his religion of politics, comes out of the closet and finally declares that Jews are dangerous and must be eliminated.  No, strike that.  That's wrong. That's so 'early 20th century central Europe.'  This is the hip, post-modern age.  Mr. Riggio would never say that.  He said that the Catholic Church is dangerous, outdated, and should dissolve.  Because things that have problems should, you know, dissolve?  It's bigotry, plain and simple. 

But unlike the anti-Jewish bigots, racists, and other radicals on the right, Mr. Riggio has the platform of acceptable discourse at his disposal. If he said something similar about homosexuality, or blacks, or Jews, he would be marched out the door and told to go live in the foothills of Montana.  As it is, he holds the same prejudice that is held by many in our media institutions, and thus is rewarded with a platform to speak.  And what he says sounds like an awkward mock-up of the things one could have read on pamphlets in the back alleys of Central Europe in the 1920s.  It's just aimed at the one thing that all hip, enlightened beautiful people hate nowadays.

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