
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who's Bubba?

I don't play golf.  One time in my life I took clubs in hand and attempted the game.  My first hit was a beauty.  The fellow I was with actually thought I had set myself up by lying about my lack of golfing skills. The rest of the dismal afternoon proved my case, culminating with one of the balls getting stuck in a tree. That's right, in a tree.  That was my only time I've ever tried the game.  Beyond that, I have little interest in the entire golf culture.  As a Baptist pastor, I was mindful of being just about the only fellow who didn't show up for any one of the hundred or so 'golf outings' that my colleagues would attend. 

The last decade or so of Tiger Worship didn't do much to endear me.  I don't like it when the MSM decides it's going to tell me who or what to care about. As year after year passed, and story after story told me Tiger finished first, fifth, ninth, didn't play, wasn't there, and only occasionally got around to mentioning who did win if it wasn't the Tiger, I became less interested.  Just as I got tired of hearing the media insist I should ever and always venerate Michelle Kwan, as opposed to those other girls who insisted on winning Olympic Gold Medals (anyone remember their names?). 

That's why I'm the last person to talk to when it comes to what's happening in the world of golf.  So imagine my surprise when, all of a sudden, I notice a flurry of activity over the young fellow who won the Masters this last week.  Bubba.  Bubba Watson.  I had noticed that the Tiger wasn't performing up to par (heh), and much was made about his childish temper tantrums, which probably where more a factor of his competitiveness and disappointment, at least IMHO. But then, out of nowhere, it was Bubba, Bubba, Bubba.

What is all the fuss?  Apart from the usual Cinderella Story associated with golf and Bill Murray routines, it appears he's quite the man of faith.  Uh oh.  Another Tim Tebow in the making?  We'll have to see.  Right now, the MSM seems only mildly amused by him, and is keeping his faith at arm's length.  Terry Mattingly at Get Religion breaks it down

I'll watch and sees how this plays out.  I can't imagine it hitting any level that Tebowmania hit last year. But I have noticed a growing trend among athletes at least coming forth and wearing their faith on their sleeves.  At least the MSM is now treating it like it's a story worth reporting.  What it all means, we'll have to watch and see.  Right now, congrats Mr. Bubba.  Well done.

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