
Thursday, March 1, 2012

This Week's editorial staff sees the impending Holocaust Part II

And immediately says 'don't stand so close to me.' Nice to see what should be obvious, that the idea of killing infants, while repugnant on every level, is more or less the logical conclusion to a culture that has defined the same infant only moments before and a few inches from the opening of the birth canal as a worthless piece of biological sludge.  Of course the question continues to be tossed around if this is really some parody, some satirical piece in the great tradition of A Modest Proposal.   I would like to think.  Still, it's not the first time such ideas have been seriously floated.  Plus, it is, sadly, in keeping with the post-modern contempt for human life as nothing other than an abhorrent malignant blight upon the purity of our divine Earth goddess. 

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