
Monday, March 26, 2012

Remember when I said I would reserve judgement on the Trayvan Martin case

And was suspicious of individuals, like the President, exploiting it for personal gain?  Well here's another reason why.  Observe and shudder:

Now I don't know the details.  For all I know Zimmerman is as guilty as guilty can be.  Or he may be someone who, while going against what he was instructed to do, nonetheless felt he was acting in self defense.  I don't know.  Nobody knows.  Not the hordes calling for Zimmerman's head.  Not the leaders and media pundits exploiting dead teenagers in order to ramrod their agendas.  Not Gun Control activists, Gun Rights activists, or anyone.  Nobody knows right now what happened.  That we have been witness to a bona fide media inspired lynch mob should be enough.  But looking at the fact that Not. One. Media. Outlet has, as far as I know, shown anything other than an obviously young, angelic Martin and an obviously scruffy Zimmerman, it should be clear that the differences between America's National Media and Goebbels's inspired propaganda are, at this point, negligible.

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