
Monday, March 26, 2012

A night at the concert

So last Monday night we were dazzled by the musical proficiency of our sons and their supporting orchestras.  OK, the bands did great.  Really, I don't seem to remember my high school band sounding so good, though we were a small rural high school that basically took anyone we could take.  Being carbon based was pretty much the requirement for almost anything you signed up for.  In my sons' school system, if they aren't more demanding, they seem to have more resources to cultivate talent.  So the entire concert sounded so much better.  Here are some clips:

Yes, our oldest always looks that serious

Our thirteen year old doing a bit of Chicago in Jazz Band

Playing snare drum for the 1812 Overture - he is just a match for drums

The obligatory 'ain't he precious' pic

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