
Friday, March 23, 2012

Fair enough

So atheists want to hold a rally in Washington drawing attention to their cause.  No problem with that.  That's what America is all about.  I do chuckle at the thought that, despite overwhelming sympathy in our popular culture, educational establishments, and the general eradication of free religious debate in the public forum, atheism still has not caught on.  Perhaps Americans, still possessing some of that down home common sense that defined their forefathers, are able to look at mostly secularized Europe and say, "We don't want to go down the tubes the way Europe has."  Don't know.  But go for it.  Even when atheists say silly things like 'nobody knows we're here', I'm for the right to say silly things.  More power to them as they demonstrate the freedoms and liberties all Americans should be able to exercise.  

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