
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Rite of Election

This last Sunday, Catholics around the world celebrated the Rite of Election.  That's where those who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church get the go ahead from their bishop. A reminder of the role played by bishops throughout the Church's history.  Many envision the Catholic Church as Church, Inc, with the Pope as Steve Jobs, directing the complete operations of the global institution from on high.  But, in fact, it's the bishops who have the say in so many ways, and it's through them that the final steps toward the Easter Vigil are given (see St. Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans). 

FWIW, the Rite took place this year in Westerville's St. Paul Parish, in their brand new sanctuary.  I'm not usually given to oogling over modern architecture, but the pseudo-Byzantine flair, and the sheer immensity of the gathering space, was impressive.  I was glad for the RCIA that they were able to make this beautiful testimony to the magnificence of God a part of their journey.  Not that our St. Mary parish is anything to sneeze at, as I've said before.  But this  certainly was a space that said 'O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth.'

By the way, I absolutely adored the iconic imagery that adorned the head of the sanctuary over the Tabernacle.  Just looking at its pre-modern simplicity couldn't help but take one out of the here and now, and transport you in spirit to the consummation of our hopes. 

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