
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama administration lying or just ignorant?

It's pretty well known at this point that, in response to the Bishops' continued resistance to Obama's naked assault on the Catholic Church, his White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the problem is the Bishops have never supported health care reform.  Here is the quote:

"And I would simply note with regard to the bishops that they never supported health care reform to begin with, of which this is an important element."

Now anyone with more than a 'Reality 101' class under their belts knows that if nothing else, the Catholic Church has been behind the push for many social justice related issues, the reform and coverage of people by way of health care being just one among many.  This dates back decades, arguably for most of the last century. 

So, is Mr. Carney, who represents the Obama administration, ignorant of this?  Does this demonstrate a gross lack of desire to actually understand the very Faith that this legislation so directly impacts?  Or is it merely a lie, told to a complacent and willing press corps whose only primary ethical consideration at this point is Reelect Obama At All Costs?  Hard to say. It might just be that the White House is counting on our country of pundits, not principles; hoping that people don't care if it's right or true or wrong or false, just so they win in the end.  We'll have to wait and see. 

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