
Saturday, February 4, 2012

More chutzpah from King Obama

Turns out the Obama administration put the muzzle on Army chaplains who were, according to the dictates of their bishops, wanting to read the letter sent out against the HHS mandate against religious liberty.  I know, this is the army.  They have a right to monitor things, and have monitored things in the past.  Fair enough. It's just a little warning shot, however, to those who still labor under the illusion that liberalism was ever about tolerance, diversity, open-mindedness, and living together despite our differences.  It's about conformity to a new set of absolute values, standards, and ethics that demand obedience and group-think.  It's bowing before the new Faith of post-Christian progressive secularism.  It's, in its most fundamental form, realizing that we are no longer free not to be liberal, but must venerate at the alter of the official belief system of the New American Order. 

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