
Saturday, February 4, 2012

In other Big Brother news

Cynthia Nixon, who blasphemed the pro-gay gospel a few days ago, has been brought into line.  You see, she originally said that she is gay by choice, which goes against the brainwashing teaching that God puts a gene in you that makes you gay which is just like being black or Asian.  This, obviously, created an uproar of tolerance and diverse thinking.  In light of this uproar, she recanted...sort of.  She said she is actually bi-sexual by birth.  Meaning, well, something.  But given the two choices that her genes gives her no choice of having, she chooses gay.  Not sure that's good enough to maintain the illusion, and expect some more gnashing of teeth.  But it goes a long way to show the ludicrous joke that is modern 'research and scholarship', that so many are willing to believe the absurd simply because it's convenient.  Yep, like I say, somewhere up there are millions of medieval peasants blowing mead out their noses laughing at our generation's self-congratulatory view of our intellectual superiority.

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