
Monday, February 6, 2012

The Gay Rights Movement has found its Poster-Child

Lloyd Blankfein has thrown his support behind gay marriage!  Wow!  Didn't see that one coming.  Gay Rights pundits are justly proud for making this big catch, because it demonstrates just how broad and diverse is the support for gay marriage in our country. After all, what demonstrates this diversity of support more than when liberal Democrat Blankfein joins the ideological eclecticism of liberal Democrat Al Franken and liberal comedian Mo'Nique?  Sometimes it just parodies itself, doesn't it?

Of course there's no better image for gay marriage than a man who came to exemplify the worst of the Wall Street corruption that led to the economic collapse of 2008.  The man who, at the helm of Goldman Sachs, came to stand for all that was wrong in big business, as he appeared to stuff his pockets while the policies of GS, both moral and allegedly not-so-moral, helped devastate the lives and dreams and hopes of endless tens of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people.  I know when I'm jockeying for a cause, that's the type of fellow I want representing my side.

Still, it might be appropriate after all.  First, gay marriage is about a lifestyle that says 'I want it, I want it, and I don't care about nuthin' but I want it.'  So what better example to head the cause?  Plus, it demonstrates that post-modern leftist values are as eternal as the next Faustian bargain.  Wall Street and its CEOs the image of modern Satan?  The most horrible demonstration of evil in the last decade?  You betcha!  That is until it benefits us to have their endless billions at our disposal.  Now we're all better now, and really good eggs.  Is it unique to the post-modern left?  No.  This sort of devil's alliance has long been demonstrative of human interactions and agendas.  It just goes to show how the thing that was once liberalism was nothing more than a myth and lie, and just the same-old same-old that has been seen throughout the ages.

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