
Friday, February 10, 2012

Death panels? Nah. Would never happen.

How do I know this?  Because when the paranoid religious fanatics were afraid that the new Healthcare Legislation would lead to religious institutions being forced to provide coverage for procedures that violate their religious conscience, we were assured it would never come to that.

When non-heterosexuals insisted they only wished to live in peace, and would never impose their own relational preferences on society by demanding something like officially sanctioned marriages, we all sighed in relief.

When proponents of government mandated services insisted they were not trying to push America toward a European Socialist model, we relaxed and knew everything was OK.

When proponents of Separation of Church and State insisted they only wanted to keep government sponsored religious events out of institutions mandated by the government, and would never suggest a person be excluded from the rightful access to political office because they were of the wrong religion or held the wrong beleifs, we went on our merry way, knowing that all was right with the world.

When right wing nuts ran around screaming 'Death Panels! Death Panels!', everyone chuckled and reminded us that such a ludicrous thing would never happen, that nobody in their right minds would...wait.  Wait a minute.  Why, it looks like some really super-smart scholar types with degrees in science and lab coats are suggesting it might be time for us to let doctors hasten the earthly departure of those deemed unworthy to continue fighting for life in order that their organs be used for those who have earned the right to have a life worth fighting for. 

Why, come to think about it, every time we've been assured by some progressive force of social change that all they're asking for is an inch, and once they get the inch they will never take a mile, that's exactly what's happened: they ask for the light year.  The very thing they insisted would never happen is exactly what happens.  And more to the point, those pushing for these progressive ideals are becoming more brazen in their call for the iron gauntlet of government power to come crashing down on any who think that America is a place of freedom for those who are not liberal.

Who knows, maybe I'm just paranoid.  But fool me once after all.  And the overall trend, matched with the general bird's eye view of history, suggests only an idiot at this point would believe anyone pushing a post-Christian progressive agenda when they insist 'don't worry, it will never come to that!'

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