
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chelsea Handler invokes her inner Goebbels

And goes to bat for the right to slaughter babies for the sake of narcissism and hedonism.  Well done Ms. Handler.  I have counseled women who've had abortions, and with no exception, they were at least somewhat bothered by what they did. But apparently, you aren't.  Even some level of regret or appreciation for what you did would mean a lot.  Something.  But like most who indulge in the Great Lie, you see that lump of flesh as an inconvenient mass to be ditched so you can continue the 'I'd abort six million babies for more sex and money' gospel of the modern Great Evil:

An example of that mass of tissue that so many modern women just don't care about ditching

And apparently, in addition to the usual slop pile of smut and dirt you shovel on the way to the bank, you've decided to take on the mantel of 'abortion advocate, third class.'  Fine. From now on, whenever I see this picture:

I will think of this:

Sorry, I know it sounds harsh.  But as I watch this emerging lust for celebrating abortions beyond merely advocating the right to have them, I'm reminded about the last time we decided humans were best defined was what was convenient for me to let live.  

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I have never cared for Chelsea Handler or her "humor".

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