
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A can of worms

Has been opened.  Looks like Edward Peters is saying it's time to stop horsing around with Nancy Pelosi, and others who are joining forces with those who would invoke the power of the state to crush the right to hold non-liberal Catholic beliefs in America.  I know, I know.  That's a tough one.  It's easy to say 'exciommunicate the sinner!', assuming that it will stop before it gets to me.  But there is also a danger in the great 'moral equivelancy' that so many turn to nowadays. 

When Ron Paul is asked about American foreign policy, he makes it clear that other countries would be offended at what we've done.  Fair enough.  Hitler was, too.  So was Mussolini and so was Tojo.  What does that mean?  Did what America do to the American Indians equal the Holocaust?  To some, yeah.  Is Christianity no different than Radical Islam?  Sure, some would say.

And in some general, overarching way that's probably true.  But is it completely true?  Do we really think we should look at things from Hitler's point of view?  Not really.  Maybe in the years leading up to the war, but not too often do we weep for Hitler's rage against the allied war on his nation.  Likewise, most Christians at least like to point out differences between little old ladies in Bible studies and Islamic terrorists who fly jets filled with innocent people into skyscrapers filled with innocent people.  Somehow, we know there are differences.

Same here.  I wouldn't want the Church to go crazy and start dropping the axe on anyone who fails to live up to the perfection to which Christ calls us.  That would be the end of me!  Nor do I want to see the Church going after anyone over diverse opinions, or even disagreements; even if those disagreements are with the Church.  And I would extend that to folks who openly disagree with the Church.  And maybe even those who openly oppose the Church and act on it.  But when the State makes such a flagrant move against the Church, a move that is only to crush the right not to be liberal in America, and threatens to openly persecute the Church for failing to conform to this mandate, that's serious.  And it is serious when a Catholic politician not only openly opposes the Church, and acts on that opposition, but agrees to get the kindling for the fire that will be used to burn non-liberal heretics at the stake.  Then it might be time to take action.

I don't know.  But I know the Faith has had its share of Quislings over the years, those who have cozied up to the latest tyranny that seeks to destroy the Orthodox faith and force it to conform to the latest, hippest heresy or nightmare philosophy.  I also know that when these folks do such things, many have suffered as a result.  Perhaps something should be done.  I'll say that since I've been a Catholic, it's the first time I could honestly say that in this case, it might be time for the Church to do something drastic.  That, in itself, shows my concern for what this mandate portends.

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