Saturday, January 28, 2012
The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them
This is simply beyond awesome. I love how, in the comments, atheists and others rush to the platform to show that this mind-boggling interwoven complexity proves there is no God. Especially enjoyable are those commenters who proudly declare that religion was just invented by humans. I hope they realize we have not one scrap of physical evidence showing when or where religion was invented, or by what person. I hope they know that is a truth claim with not one piece of actual evidence to back it up, except, of course, the evidence that 'God can't exist and I can't be wrong about that, so it must have been invented.' I guess that's worth something as evidence goes, especially if you're an atheist desperate to cover up the clear metaphysical faith claims that are made daily in the name of atheism.
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