
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Congratulations Broncos

That's right, not Tim Tebow - the most loved and most hated person in sports.  Sure, he deserves his credit, but it was a team effort.  It's always a team effort.  Yes, there are reasons why a quarterback who is better than some, not as good as others, nonetheless dominates the sports world at this time.  There are reasons for this, and at some point I may toss out a post on my reflections.  But not now.  For now, a simple congratulations is in order for the underdog Broncos who upset the defending AFC champs.  The Steelers played hard, the Broncos played hard, and Denver did something you usually don't do on the first play of overtime, which is why they won.  It took longer to hear the rules of the overtime than the overtime itself.  But Denver won.  The Steelers didn't.  It wasn't supposed to happen that way, but it did.  Tim Tebow, in a touch of class, explained that it was his teammates who made him look better than he is.  Maybe.  But no matter what, they won, and congratulations are in order for this, the most watched first round playoff game I can remember in some years.

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