
Thursday, December 1, 2011

When considering President Obama

Apparently the press feels it's best to remember the past.  I'm sure he's a nice guy.  He seems to be a wonderful father and husband.  Good family men aren't easy to come by nowadays.  But he's clearly a lousy president.  He has accomplished little.  The world seems to be burning and nobody can even come close to explaining Obama's approach to problem solving.  He is not inspiring, and his first round of attack ads make it clear that all the hooey about 'hope and change' is in the trash.

He can't speak well.  Take away the prompters, and he fumbles and stumbles every bit as much as Bush on a good day.  And it's clear to anyone with a brain that he can't lead.  He's just not leadership material.  He avoids conflict and seems to resent anyone who doesn't bow and do as he says.  He wants congress to do it all, and yet keep the credit for himself.  On the whole, a poor president.

Add to that a struggling economy.  Jobless rates still unacceptable.  Housing still in the tanks.  Non-existent inflation still on the rise.  And growing political and economic pressure from rising nations like China, India, and Russia overseas.  So what's the pro-Obama media to do?  Keep coming out with stories like this one, that's what. Try to recapture the flame, the magic, the spirit of the messianic campaign of 08.  Remind us that despite all evidence to the contrary, Obama still inspires, still brings hope, and is still the candidate of change.

Will Americans buy it?  Hard to say.  As the GOP labors intensively to nominate a person nobody wants, the press may not need to worry.  But as of now, not knowing what the future holds, I notice a growing number of these stories from an advocacy media that is clearly scared.

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